The 安德森中心 for 环境科学s is an interdisciplinary group of research-driven faculty, staff 和 students whose goals are studying Earth’s environment, solving environmental problems 和 developing the next generation of environmental scientists.

Newly remodeled spaces that are part of the 安德森中心 feature state-of-the-art instructional 和 laboratory facilities that allow Occidental scholars to gain the h和s-on experience, 科技素养, 和 competencies with modern equipment required for success in graduate programs 和 future careers.

The 安德森中心 program offers a rigorous research atmosphere typically found only at large universities while preserving Oxy’s intimate liberal arts character. Working alongside faculty to collect 和 analyze data, our undergraduates directly contribute to research projects 和 even co-author articles for publication. 

Newly improved facilities allow our researchers to leverage the immense potential of Occidental’s collection holdings. 摩尔动物实验室Cosman贝壳系列 illuminate how the environment has shaped biodiversity 和 how biodiversity will respond to future environmental changes.

十大正规网赌平台 is grateful for the generous support from the individuals 和 many foundations who made this project possible. 


The 安德森中心 for 环境科学s is a hub for the work of several academic departments as well as numerous professors 和 students.


作为一名生物专业的学生, you will engage in scientific investigation of nature, from the molecular level to entire ecosystems, developing skills to address the challenges related to the natural world.


我们提供对地球的理解, the processes that affect its surface 和 interior, 它的形成和演变随着时间的推移, 和 its function as the physical environment for the living world.


Oxy’s close proximity to the Pacific Ocean offers you a living laboratory for studying marine biology through a distinguished scientific program.


A concentration within our biology 和 geology majors allows you to undertake an interdisciplinary exploration of earth processes 和 ecosystems.


位于群山之间, 海洋, 和沙漠, Occidental leverages these ecosystems for research 和 unique student experiences. The 安德森中心 allows the College to further integrate its natural history collections with Southern California field biology programs.


As a research center in a liberal arts setting, our faculty work closely with undergraduate students on their way to becoming the next generation of environmental problem solvers. 通过指导研究, students gain both the critical thinking skills 和 the practical field 和 lab experience needed to succeed in a variety of future careers 和 endeavors.
Amelia is investigating hydroclimate variability in the Teton Range in Wyoming, reconstructing past climate 和 glacier changes using sediment archives preserved in alpine lakes.
Using 万图纳研究小组 data from 100 rocky reef sites, Nicole is comparing fish populations at locations dominated by native 和 invasive algae species in the Southern...
文学比较研究 & 2019届文化专业
Joshua won an NSF research fellowship for devising the Moore Lab’s oBird Project, which seeks to bring museum specimens to the public 和 research community through 3D modeling.
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